1 min readNov 22, 2016

I beg of you,

If you are tasked with creating something like, oh, let’s say just for the sake of saying it, THE RESPONSE SECTION OF A SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM, test it under all possible conditions before you deploy that bad boy.


On paper it makes perfect sense, I’m sure. But in practice, it may possibly (it absolutely is) be contributing heavily to my Sinead O’Connor impersonator act (the Nothing Compares to You years, not the MIA off her meds years. I did that one in 2010. Award-worthy performance, IMHO).

Seriously. Not to name names or specific platforms, THIS ISN’T WORKING..

Thank you for the rest of the stuff that’s awesome.

--Anonymously yours




I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know I want it to be spelled right and punctuated correctly. I guess that’s something.