1 min readOct 24, 2016

So, here’s the situation:

Everything is making me feel sad lately. It’s probably because I’m in the midst of writing some rather serious material.

It’s time for some light and laughter. Since I don’t really toggle between mind states too easily I can’t be the source of said light or laughter. Therefore, for the remainder of this week, I am going to share with all of you some of my favorite funny things.

To some of you these will be familiar, because you are my tribe and so we probably have some common interests.

Hush and click play anyway. It’s still entertainment.

Watch it with your morning coffee or during your morning constitutional.

or before you crawl under the covers. I don’t care. Probably don’t watch at the office, though. ;)

Enjoy funny #1


I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know I want it to be spelled right and punctuated correctly. I guess that’s something.